With electronic document management, you can organize and maintain all of your organization’s information, increasing productivity. DM will help protect the integrity of your private data and facilitate compliance with such acts as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA. Plus, this wide-ranging solution encourages collaboration and document sharing via secure electronic documents. Document management is scalable and cost-effective—so it can meet the needs of small businesses as well as large enterprises. If you are looking to make the switch from paper documents to digital records, here is some more information on how document management can transform your company.

Lifecyle Support

DM supports the entire lifecycle of a document—from creation or receipt through editing and approval to storage and archival. No matter where in the cycle you’re your data is, it will be monitored and protected, allowing you to locate any file you might need at any time. And, if different employees modify the same file, you will be able to view who edited it, when it was changed, as well as keep track of multiple versions.

Transitioning to Digital

If you are still relying heavily on paper records, document management software can facilitate a smooth transition to electronic document storage. Using capture features you can scan, email, import, or drag-and-drop files to a safe, centralized location. This secure repository means you no longer need stacks of paper files or large filing cabinets in your office; everything will be held in one place, enabling you to retrieve specific documents whenever you require them.

Safe and Secure

When all of your sensitive data is stored in one protected location is offers peace of mind. Not only will be able to retrieve a document at will, but you don’t have to worry about unauthorized access. If you have paper documents laying around the office or in file cabinets, anyone can see them even if you don’t want them too. But, with electronic document management, you can set access controls to regulate who can and cannot access particular items. These measures safeguard you, your employees, and your clients and help when audit time rolls around.

Don’t take chances with the integrity of your data—documents management is the best data solution on the market. Learn more about maximizing the many benefits of document management.

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