Now that you have gotten a digital press for your office, it is time to explore the many benefits of in-house production printing. While some of the most obvious are probably the reason you decided to bring it in-house in the first place—faster turnaround times, more flexibility—there are still many other areas to explore. In particular, there are three key components of digital printing that are the secrets to success: calibration, media, and file integrity.


If you are new to production printing, some of these concepts might be new to you, but there is no need to worry, you will get on board quickly. Calibration is essentially a test that measures and stabilizes color reproduction, ensuring consistency and quality. Calibration is necessary to ensure that colors remain uniform and do not drift over time.

The good news is that today’s sophisticated pressed have auto calibration protocols that can check for particular nuances. That said, it is still important to calibrate your press from hardware and media standpoints to ensure the best color output. We can help with any calibration questions or issues.

Mastering Media

We all recognize the importance of paper. Well, when it comes to production printing, paper becomes even more critical to elevating your design. There are so many different options beyond the standard 8.5×11 sheet—textured stock, card stock, coated and uncoated, different weights—for you to familiarize yourself with.

Because digital print fuses color to the media via a thin layer of toner (versus offset ink printing), the type of paper or stock you use is critical. For the best result, be sure that your device can handle the media you plan to use. If not, find a suitable alternative. And, be sure to store your paper in a climate-controlled environment as damp, wrinkled pages can wreak havoc on digital printers.

File Integrity

With so many source files available for production print, it is important to verify the integrity of the file you intend to print. Just because you can print a PDF or a JPEG, does not mean that you have all of the appropriate data that you need to execute a successful print job. Fonts and images are not always compatible with production print.

It is important that you know how your printer handles certain design elements, such as solid color blocks, which can become destroyed over long print runs. Fonts can get lost, and images can blur, so always ensure the integrity of files and be sure you have everything you need before you begin a print job.

Now that you have the low-down on the tops three critical element of in-house production print, the sky is the limit on your next project. We can’t wait to see what you will do. Need help reaching your print potential? Get in touch.

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